Hello Overpower Community!

Whether you’re an active NAOL Overpower Tournament player, an enthusiast of the game’s original release or you’re a person who prefers to play games with friends at your kitchen table; the most exciting thing for any CCG player is getting new cards that unlock new ideas, new strategies, and new ways to play the game we love.

While BMG has been on the multi-year journey of getting our first series of intellectual properties licensed and announcing our first core set, we recognize that during this long wait we want to keep the excitement of building new decks alive and fresh. Furthermore, we want to create the player experience of having to deduce how to play against new deck ideas as an integral part of the game.

Following the overwhelmingly positive reception of the additional Home Bases we created and included in the Anyhero Essentials Pack, BMG produced foil promotional cards, with almost entirely new mechanics, for players who attended any BMG-sanctioned event. Additionally, these cards were placed on our partner website ‘The Orange King Overpower’ for sale after the event, for anyone in the community to obtain.

This season was the first season after the Devourer of Worlds was banned from NAOL events.  BMG decided to focus our promo card design on mostly Any Character cards that would help flesh out the Any Characters with the traditionally more versatile ‘Battlesites.’ Competitively, we’ve seen the people who place in the top 8, the winners of the events and the overall usage, stay relatively even for both Battlesites and Any Character cards being used.

Additionally, we wanted to get people excited about using the new Homebases, so we created cards that could combo and offer new synergies with them. The Anypower training card for example, may not be placed to the Spartan Training Grounds. However, when used in a deck that’s using the training grounds, it can add significant defense to a deck that otherwise has a hard time building up a defensive shell. For example, Strength/Brute Force is the power type that has the least “full-team defense” cards in the game. Using Spartan Training Grounds and the Promo Training card can take a Heroes for Hire deck and let Heroes still defend against an incoming 8 power card, even after using their 8-power card to follow up their Black Knight special! For any of us who have ever used Heroes for Hire—and they were on the only deck I’ve won a NAOL event with—defending them is one of the hardest parts of that deck.

The Foil Promos for the 2023 Season were a resounding success and had a small but direct impact on what we saw played in competitive NAOL events. We are hard at work at BMG, planning out what the event support will be for the 2024 season, but make no mistake, we absolutely plan on continuing to release promos that are available to everyone and make a direct impact on the play environment and the competitive meta.

Thank you!
Joseph Gagnepain
CEO BMG and Associates

Individual cards can be purchased at the The Orange King.